On Beauty (2006)
On Beauty, unlike many of Smith’s other novels, is set predominantly in the US - though still has a healthy focus on Britain (or at least Britain as represented by - once again - North-West London). It focuses on the intertwined lives of two families - the Belseys and the Kipps. Both have university professors at the helm, in the shape of Howard Belsey, a white English Rembrandt scholar (living with his African-American wife Kiki and three children in a fictional affluent university town near Boston, MA), and his nemesis Monty Kipps, a conservative Trinidadian initially living in London with his wife Carlene and two children.
Possession (1990)
Possession: A Romance (to give it’s full original title) is all sorts of things at once. It’s a detective story, it’s at least two love stories, it’s an incredibly literary and self-referential piece of metafiction, it’s a compendium of (masterful) imitations of various forms of Victorian writing, the list goes on… Ultimately, the heart of the story centres around the discovery of some letters by a modern-day academic, Roland Michell. These letters are the first “clue” in a trail that uncovers a previously undocumented romance between two fictional Victorian poets.